February 20, 2006

WOTD - 20 Feb 2006

TOP HAT - Headwear Item; A man's hat having a narrow brim and a tall cylindrical crown, usually made of silk. Also called high hat.
TEMP - Office worker;A temporary worker, as in an office; To work as a temporary worker.
PHILISTINE - Barbarian;An insensitive, uncultured person
SMITHY - Forge;a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering;A blacksmith's shop
SAUCY - PERT;Impudently bold
CRETIN - Idiot;a person of subnormal intelligence
WHEREWITHAL - Means; The necessary means, especially financial means
HOLDUP - An interruption or a delay; robbery at gunpoint

How did I miss these!?
ONLOOKER - Witness; a spectator
TRAIT - Characteristic

Just to re-emphasise:
TROT - Horse's gait; The gait of a horse or other four-footed animal, between a walk and a canter in speed, in which diagonal pairs of legs move forward together
HOOP - Circuit;Circle; Round figure
TRAMP - Vagrant; wanderer


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